Drink driving - excess alcohol
Drink driving - the offence

Unlike the drink driving that is committed when you are unfit to drive, this type of drink driving is committed when the amount of alcohol in your breath, blood or urine exceeds the limit set by the drink driving law.
The police must prove that you were either driving or attempting to drive on a road or other public place and that you had more alcohol in your system than is allowed by the drink driving law.
You will usually be subjected to a breath test at the police station where you provide two samples for analysis to the large breathalyser (properly called an intoximeter). This machine will provide a reading for each sample showing how much alcohol is present in your breath. In some circumstances you will be offered the chance to have a second test of blood or urine.
If the amount of alcohol present in your breath exceeds the legal maximum you will be charged with drink driving and given a date to attend court.
We can help you beat the police and win your drink driving trial. Our solicitors are highly experienced and know every strategy in the book that we can put to use to win your case. Find out how we go about winning drink driving trials here.
The sentence for drink driving can be very harsh and frequently result in people losing their jobs and homes. Our guide to sentencing drink driving cases will tell you more about the sentences and how we can help you avoid being banned from driving or even ending up in prison!
Find out more
Follow the links below to find out about defences to drink driving allegations and the sentence you are likely to receive if convicted of drink driving.
2. Sentences for drink driving
What should I do now?
Being accused of a criminal offence is a stressful time and you may think that it's impossible to defend yourself or save your driving licence. We can review the case against you and give you our expert opinion on the strength of the evidence against, errors made by the prosecution, possible tactics to have prosecution evidence excluded, defences available and whether you can avoid penalty points if convicted. In 99.99% of cases we can provide this review quickly and cheaply so you can decide what to do once you have the full facts and not just the police's version.
If you haven't already read our pages on sentencing and how we win cases then take a look now. If you think you have all the information you need or you want to ask questions either give us a call or send us a message via our contact us page and a specialist drink driving solicitor will call you back.
You are also welcome to call us and speak with an experienced solicitor about your case for some preliminary advice. Although your solicitor can only give basic advice on the telephone based on what you say you will get an idea of what can be done. There's nothing to pay until you decide to instruct us, so if you decide not to instruct as after speaking on the telephone then it won't cost you a penny.
Feel free to give us a call now on 020 8242 4440 To discuss your options. Or you can send an email via our contact us page.